
Helena Finnäs is born 1976 in Sweden.

City of birth is Sundsvall and she is raised in Timrå.

Today her base is Norrköping and this since 1999.  At the age of 13 she discovered her small skills in drawing and painting, and as a teenager it was not a surprice for her parents that her wish was to start at art school.  And she did.  Later she moved a short time to Uppsala to study marketing, graphics and social media but moved back to her roots to continue her studies at art school for two more years in Sundsvall. She masters all kind of techniques, acrylic, oil, lead pencil, , ink and  water colours. Lately she also discovered digital paintings and find that interesting to mix, specially when she is out traveling this is easy to bring. She finds inspiration throughout the daily random encounters and the own voice and expression of the creation process. Her ambition is to achieve balance between color, luminosity and mathematical distance, but also to break it to create that beautiful contrast between harmony and chaos. Her portraits are usually based on real people. What exactly the artist looks for when she chooses the motifs is a secret but she wants the final result to show a enjoyful balance for the one who observe it.

I love the nature and I love to paint!
When I paint, there is a calm. At the same time a curiosity that comes over me, always thinking , how the final result will be?  I always have that kind of tingling in my body before I start, hard to describe, a feelling that I just want to start doing what I have in my mind. 
I completely devour the time when I get a brush in my hand.
I really love to do this!

Helena Finnäs, Mjolo Art 

[email protected]